Thursday, May 5, 2011

Been Going About This All Wrong

Maybe I have been going about this weight loss thing the wrong way. I think I am doing this for all the wrong reasons. I need to try to lose weight for ME, and for nobody else.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's Tuesday

Is it weird that I am writing a blog that like 3 people read????? I was just wondering.

So it's Tuesday. I hate Tuesdays, they are almost more difficult than Mondays. Anyways, it is Tuesday April 26th. Time has flown since I did my first cycle of hcg. Those of you who are reading this probably already heard the story but I am going to document it on my blog.

I started the hcg at the tail end of March. I was on the diet for a little over 2 weeks. I lost 11 pounds. It was an amzing 11 pounds too! I bought some clothes at work that didn't fit, knowing I was losing pounds a day, and they fit 3 days later! It was the coolest!

Unfortunately hcg is a very strict diet in the sense that you can't over eat OR under eat or you'll get gain weight or become really ill. I started the diet while I was on spring break so it was SUPER easy to eat at home and at work. I could take cooked chicken to work and stash it in the fridge for a lunch or dinner. However, once school started, I did not have the room to carry around a bulky lunch box with an ice pack and silverware, and try to hunt down a microwave everday. I started not eating the right ratio of protein, fruit, and vegtables. I started to feel weak and dizzy. This is not good, and most definitately not healthy. My weight was also very crazy. I would gain 1 pounds, lose 1.5 pounds, and then lose no weight. It was up and down and up and down.

I decided to stop the diet. After you stop the diet you are supposed to eat a diet of the same foods but a daily calorie count of 1200. It didn't happen. I have gained about half the weight back, and I know this is my own fault. But my husband and I have talked and we are restarting the diet on May 5th. This time we are doing the whole diet together, making our lives much easier. May 6th is the last day of instruction at school and I only have a final Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. SO! We are going to try again!!

I found a ton of great recipes that I can use now instead of eating the same thing every day. I am also thinking about increasing my daily calorie count and do mild workouts while doing this new round. However, if I do that I will HAVE to work out. I can't say, "Oh I'll go..." and then fall asleep, or read a book, or blow it off for shopping. So I am on the fence about this. What do you guys think??

I also need to be more religious about this blog. It's not going to help me if I don't keep it updated more often. I don't want it to become another way I lie to myself and I don't want to give up. I guess all I can do is try, and hope that people read.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 3, Day 1 of VLCD

Hey guys!

So it is day 3 of the HCG, but day 1 of the VLCD.

This means that I have been taking my drops for 3 days, but for the first 2 days I was able to eat whatever I want, and it is encouraged to eat as much as possible. This kind of confuses me for a lot of reasons, but anyways, I stuffed myself full!! I haven't lost any weight yet but I am not surprised. I had way too much food than I'll ever admit to ^^.

VLCD stands for very low calorie diet. For the next 23 days I am to eat 500 calories a day from lots of veggies fruits, and lean meats. So far today has been....a challenge. I can't eat my normal breakfast so I am feeling a bit sluggish today. I had tea and water for breakfast and an orange for a snack. And boy am I excited to eat this chicken spinach salad in 50 minutes. Come on stomach, please shrink so I am not sooo hungry!

I'll try to update as regularly as possible. I have an exam this Friday and work so I'll do my best!

Thanks for the continued support!  ^^

Monday, March 21, 2011


It's been over a month! Crazy. And amazingly I've lost 50 pounds!!!!


Just kidding!!

It's pretty obvious I fell off the band wagon...again, but at least I am admitting it. I am finally being honest with myself about my weight, my goals, and my life. I am tired of hiding behind the lies I tell myself.  I had a really great conversation with a co worker and I am ready to do this! I am ready to be healthy and keep track of my life. This last week I downloaded this great app on my phone called My Fitness Pal. It shows me how much calories I should eat everyday and it makes it SUPER easy to track what I am eating right down the to grams of sugar, carbs, fats, and salt! It's awesome! Buttt I am starting my "extreme" diet this week!

Yesterday I started the HCG diet. Yesterday and today I get to eat whatever I want. The hubby knows that I crave sweets ALOT, so he bought me a ton of sweets, and I think I might puke.  I have eaten SO much candy and junk in just 1 day. I never want to eat it again...ok well for now.

After today I am on a strict diet. For lunch and dinner I will eat 2 cups of veggies and 4oz of low fat meat. For breakfast and snacks I can have 1 serving of fruit and I can drink lots and lots of black coffee and water.

This is an extreme diet and is not meant for a lot of people. I have been doing research and this diet can be very dangerous if not taken appropriately or with other medications. This one gal at my work said she had a woman come into her other job as a nurse with renal failure because of this diet! Lucky for me I am not pregnant and have no preexisiting conditions or medications. Though I did learn that if I were to concieve while on this diet I would probably have twins, triplets, or quints! NUTS! Definately no love this month!

After 21 days of the strict diet I get to start adding in moderate amounts of the foods I like. Hubby has been on this diet and it has worked well for him. After I can start eating what I like (in MODERATION is the key word), I can start my workout routine to keep off the weight and lose more!

I am really excited to tone up after I lose a few lbs these next few weeks.

My weight yesterday was 183 pounds! Yikes! I will try to update every day to see if it works. If this doesn't work, oh well, but at least I am going to try! I will NOT just quit because it's hard. I can do this! Here we go!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Own Woman

Today I am very emotional. As a woman this is allowed. It is not a sign of weakness, it is just who I am. It has been a very emotional week with weird dreams and emotional conversations with many people that I care for. In having this weird week, I have decided that I need to get a tougher skin. I need to not take things so personally. Though I will admit this is easier said than done.

So I am going to do my best letting the water roll off this stone, so to speak. I will not let what people think affect what I do with my life, and who I am. That is for me to figure out and decide, not for people to tell me.

On the flip side, this week has been slightly better than others, health wise. Starting on Monday I have been hitting the gym everyday with a friend. I started out fairly slow and I have picked it up a little bit. Today I "climbed" 18 flights on the stairmaster and I went on this really awesome workout machine that is a cross between a stairstepper and an elliptical. So cool! I went for 20 minutes and I felt great. I stepped on the scale after my workout and I have officially dropped 1.5 pounds since I first weighed myself a few weeks ago. I don't know if it is from what I have been doing differently or if it's water weight, but it felt a little bit nice to see the numbers a little lower.

So this diet plan my husband and I are going to try should be starting after my birthday. Well, that is after everyone comes to visit for my birthday!! I have people visiting almost every weekend in March to celebrate the big 21st birthday. The diet plan doesn't allow drinking alcohol, so we are putting it off until then. I know it sounds dumb, but it's the fun because the seriousness I suppose. In the meanwhile, I am going to try and work out and be fit! Oh, and for those of you who don't know, we are going to try the HCG diet. A friend's family tried it and had good results. So I guess next month we'll be getting started.

I still need to put up some before pictures....but it is just a tad bit daunting. I feel self conscience putting them up before I lose weight.....Maybe I'll take them and keep them to myself until I have better news. What do you guys think?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No Sacrifice. No Victory?

I'm tired this week. It's been hard and exhausting. I didn't exercise. I didn't eat well. I just have been too tired to care.

So next month I am starting a new diet program with my husband. We are going to give this a shot and I'll let everyone know how it goes. I'm not going to get my hopes up, but I am going to do my best. I need something radical at this point, and I don't care what anyone thinks. I am tired of people telling me what to do. I'm tired of caring. I'm just tired.

I spend too much time thinking that the world revolves around me and it doesn't, so I need to stop caring so much. Life goes on. 

Blueberry bagel with butter

homemade chicken stir fry with white rice
8oz red bull


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do or do not. There is no try.

Someone needs to show me how to get up every morning, maybe hit the gym, have an awesome breakfast, enjoy the day, go to class, study (not take a nap), make dinner, and hit the sack by 9:30 ....and fall asleep before 1 am.

It is Tuesday and I am exhausted. It's Tuesday and I took a 2 hour nap on Monday. How do people do it? How does my mom do it. She works graveyard, comes home, sleeps like 3 hours, shuttles us around, makes dinner, and then goes back to work. I am trying to make time to study, hit the gym, eat healthy, and have a life and I am just exhausted. And if I just want to take 20 minutes to close my eyes, I am asleep for 2-4 hours.

Today there will be NO naps. Dinner is going to be on the table by 5:30. Homework is going to be done by 8 pm. And I am going to bed!!

Breakfast today:
Cheerios and splenda
Sugar free red bull with sugar free raspberry